Cornerstone is a national benefit and insurance advisory agency.
With offices in Nashville, TN, Cornerstone manages both worksite and call center enrollment projects. Cornerstone often utilizes both its worksite and call center expertise to support the enrollment of group and individual benefits needs. Cornerstone has extensive experience successfully managing both core and stand-alone voluntary enrollments. Successful enrollments require the effective use of two distinct skill sets:
Project Management
A Cornerstone distinctive is that a Cornerstone principal is on site on every case to provide high-level oversight and ensure thorough and successful project management. Cornerstone provides a fully turnkey solution to benefit communication and enrollment as a focused, competent and capable “outsource partner” for the broker / consultant. Once the broker brings in Cornerstone, we handle all aspects of the case, from case setup to the benefit communications, from the actual enrollment to delivery of the deduction file to HR.
We’ve managed projects ranging in size from 250 to over 10,000 employees. In our six years of providing benefit communications and enrollments, we’ve served our partnering brokers and carrier representatives very well and can share references and testimonials.
Benefit Advisory Services
NEW LANGUAGE {Another Cornerstone distinctive is that Cornerstone creates and produces in house all of the communication materials necessary for a successful enrollment. All communication materials are personalized to the client. Cornerstone utilizes a wide range of communication approaches to maximize employee awareness and participation. Additionally, Cornerstone’s unique Hispanic Enrollment Service® provides all communication materials in Spanish translation to fully engage Spanish speaking employees. When communicating one-on-one with employees, Cornerstone uses only highly-trained, career benefit counselors. We pay a per-diem salary, never commission.}
cornerstone's success is the result of managing every case in a way that meets the needs of the employees, meets and exceeds the expectations of HR, and exceeds the expectations of the broker and the carrier representative.