Overcoming Limited Access

Creating a successful takeover outcome when access and conditions are limited; solid engagement and participation on the voluntary

Facts of Enrollment

An 1,800-life group at a casino and hotel in California. Three different languages needed. Company management desired a new voluntary benefit option, but would not facilitate access to employees who previously had voluntary benefits. Management said to expect 90 percent of employees to visit the benefit enrollment room, so engagement relative to the other benefit vendors was vital.

The Challenge

  • Non-facilitated access to employees offset by knowing that each employee would show up in the benefit enrollment room at some point during the 7 day open enrollment

  • Short runway - three week notice to assign and train bilingual benefit counselors

  • Educate and enroll employees with a new voluntary benefit carrier

The Solution

  • Engagement - identify and train benefit counselors who could actively seek out and engage employees for the new benefits offered; inter-personal and effective engagement were necessary

  • Create and distribute well designed benefit summaries of current voluntary policies. Print bright blue pages for our project manager and counselors to distribute and explain to current policy holders

  • Establish a solid rapport with the HR team and broker to ensure that the yearly re-enrollment process is sustainable and beneficial for the broker, carrier, company and employees.

The Result

  • Six consecutive years of successful enrollments

  • Over 900 transitioned policies for over $430,000 in annual premium

  • 100% accuracy of benefit election forms and payroll deduction files submitted to HR

  • Consistent positive feedback from HR, Broker and employees